This section includes type specimens of spore bearing plants and fungi that were originally used to describe a species or infraspecific taxon.
1743 specimens
A nomenclatural type (typus) is that element (like herbarium sheet, illustration) to which the name of a taxon (species, genus, subspecies, variety, etc.) is permanently attached, whether as the correct name or as a synonym. In other words, type is an authentic or standard element to which a given name is permanently linked. This need not be the most typical or representative element but is the original material on which the description of the taxon is based. There are seven kinds of nomenclatural types which are recognised by the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN) which are holotype, isotype, syntype, paratype, lectotype, neotype and epitype.
Botanical Survey of India (BSI) houses about 1600 Type specimens of different groups of Cryptogams including Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Lichen and Fungi. We are committed to make this important collection available online free of cost, hence, the digital images of all the type specimens housed at different herbaria of BSI (ARUN, ASSAM, BSA, BSD, BSHC, BSI, BSID, BSIS, BSJO, CAL, MH and PBL) are now freely accessible.
All our Cryptogams Type are digitized.
Databased: 100%
Imaged: 100%